Dear users,
We are happy to announce a contest!)
Now you have an opportunity to win a free Jet-bot platform subscription for 1 year!
1. Do a video-feedback about your experience at Jet-Bot platform:
- please mention how much profit you earned (if you earned a decent profit already);
- you can show screenshots of your profits reports in telegram bot/platform/exchange;
- please improvise and be sincere in your opinion (speak from your heart, don’t read a written text from a piece of paper);
- please mention some warm words about Jet-Bot platform and opportunities which it brings to you.
2. Video requirements:
- a video should be done in English language
- your face should be clearly visible at a daylight
- video format — horizontal screen (not vertical)
- quality 720p minimum
- .mp4 or .mov formats
3. Send us a video
Share your video PM to @Jet_Alex in Telegram or send to
4. Winners and prizes
Every participant will get a prize.
Jet-Bot team will choose 5 super-winners with best video feedbacks:
1st place — 1 year Extended membership
2nd place — 1 year Basic membership
3rd place — 6 months Extended membership
4th place — 3 months Extended membership
5th place — 1 month Extended membership
All other participants will get free days of platform subscription or free copy trading bots subscriptions.
5. Competion dates:
Start — Wednesday, February 17
End — Sunday, February 21
We wish you a good luck!)
Best Regards,
Jet-Bot Team