TOP traders copy trading fees schedule update

4 min readSep 10, 2022


Dear users,

We are happy to inform you about our new copy trading profit fees schedule & conditions.

Profit fee calculations

TOP traders earn 50% from a profit fee paid by their followers.
This means TOP traders receive 50% of profit fee paid by x2, x3 and x5 pre-paid packages owners.

Let’s look at an example:

⁃ 100 followers with x5 pre-paid packages and these followers earned $100,000 profit by following a TOP trader. A profit fee in x5 pre-paid package is 20%, respectively, the total profit fee which will be charged from followers is $20,000 (20% from $100,000). As a result a top trader will receive $10,000 payment (50% of the total profit fee paid by users).

⁃ 100 followers with x3 pre-paid packages earned $100,000. A profit fee in x5 pre-paid package is 30%, respectively, the total profit fee which will be charged from followers is $30,000 (30% from $100,000). As a result a top trader will receive $15,000 payment (50% of the total profit fee paid by users).

⁃ 100 followers with x2 pre-paid packages earned $100,000. A profit fee in x2 pre-paid package is 50%, respectively, the total profit fee which will be charged from followers is $50,000 (50% from $100,000). As a result a top trader will receive $25,000 payment (50% of the total profit fee paid by users).


  • Total total earnings of a trader from all followers will be $50,000 dollars ($10,000+$15,000+$25,000)
  • That is a profit fee which a trader will receive as his reward for providing copy trading services.
  • Total profit of all his subscribers is $300,000.

What’s about Unlimited memberships?

Unlimited membership is an expensive type of subscriptions which provides lifetime access to the Jet-Bot platform. It was developed in promotional purposes to attract new users to the platform.
When users buy this membership they pay only once, but not on regular or monthly basis. So the fee from Unlimited memberships purchases couldn’t be shared with TOP traders on monthly regular basis. It could be shared only once after a purchase.

So to provide additional reward for TOP traders Jet-Bot team allocate some amount from Unlimited membership sales and share it with 3 TOP traders with best performance every months. TOP traders with best results gain higher percentage of this reward.

How to gain more copy-followers?

  1. You can improve your trading performance to be listed in the TOP-3 section. Traders listed in the TOP-3 section usually get 90% of users’ subscriptions.
  2. You can improve your trading performance go give followers an opportunity to earn more profit. More profit will be earned by followers — a higher profit-fee could be collected by a TOP trader. If a trader generates 20% monthly profit for his users this means he will earn 2x higher profit-fee payment compared if he generates just 10% monthly profit.
  3. You can become a contributor of the Jet-Bot blog. You can write educational articles for users and publish your articles in your own column in Jet-Bot blog. In these articles you can promote your copy trading services, your strategies and your bots. Best articles will be pinned on the Jet-Bot landing page; in the Jet-Bot platform and would be published in GT-Protocol Twitter, Instagram and Telegram channel to get additional exposure among our existing community and new users.
  4. You can invite a new audience to the platform. More personal followers a trader will invite to subscribe him — a higher profit-fee he would collect at the end of the month.

TOP traders marketplace ranking rules:

  1. Traders with the highest monthly profit could be listed in the TOP-3 section.
  2. Ranking depends on the size of a trader’s deposit. If a trader Alex made 20% monthly profit using his $30,000 deposit and a trader Mike made 25% using his $20,000 deposit — Alex will be ranked as #1 trader and Mike will be ranked as #2 trader because Alex has higher deposit and takes more risks and responsibility.
  3. If some trader gets stuck in a deal for more than 4 days — he will be down in rankings until his last deal is closed.
  4. If a trader’s total profit is less than $1,000 — he couldn’t be ranked in the TOP-3 section.
  5. If a trader had a significant loss — he couldn’t be ranked in the TOP-3 section.

When will a profit-fee be paid out?

A profit fee payments for the last calendar month are released before the 11th day of an each new month.

Note: These conditions are subject to change at any time by the decision of the GT-Protocol board management or the DAO government.




Written by GT PROTOCOL


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