$GTAI is Now CoinMarketCap Verified!
We are pleased to announce that GTAI is now verified on CoinMarketCap. With already a global ranking of #862 and were excited that your here to join us in our journey to the top 100!
How does CoinMarketCap verified circulating supply work:
Circulating Supply is verified by the CoinMarketCap team through communication with the project’s team. They ask for details including but not limited to the initial distribution, private allocations, locked addresses, team-controlled addresses, and addresses containing portions of the supply allocated for future use. They examine the project’s blockchain and distribution table to determine the best approximation of what is freely circulating in the market based on the information provided. Under the CMC methodology, it would typically exclude the address balances of wallets that are labeled as private investors, marketing operations, treasury, ecosystem incentives, and team/advisors/contractors regardless of whether they are unlocked. Everything else would count as circulating supply.
Are there more tokens in the market / circulating now?
No, nothing has changed, all token unlock is happening in team finance which is transparent and verifiable onchain for anybody to see. To see our tokenomics details check here.
Does being CoinMarketCap verified matter?
Yes, there are 2 types of rankings within CoinMarktCap to rank projects. Verified and Unverified projects. There are many Exchanges, Influencers , Venture Capital firms and Traders that typically only want to deal with projects that are verified.
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