GT Protocol AI Digest №7: From Rare Disease Breakthroughs to Creative Controversies

6 min readOct 4, 2024



This week’s AI news is as diverse and innovative as ever, showcasing how artificial intelligence is pushing boundaries in healthcare, agriculture, creative fields, and more. From discovering cures for rare diseases to uncovering ancient mysteries, AI is shaping our future faster than we can imagine. Let’s dive into the key developments and breakthroughs from the past week, and explore how AI is transforming our world in unexpected ways.

1. AI in Healthcare and Agriculture

  • AI Revolutionizes Drug Discovery for Rare Diseases: Rare diseases, often neglected due to the small patient populations, are now receiving renewed attention thanks to AI. Researchers have leveraged AI to quickly sift through enormous datasets to identify potential treatments that would have otherwise taken years to discover. By accelerating drug discovery, AI is offering hope for faster and more effective treatments for rare conditions like Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis. Read more here
  • Kenyan Farmers Boost Yields Using AI: AI is proving to be a game-changer in agriculture, especially in developing countries like Kenya. Farmers are using AI-driven tools to optimize planting times, monitor soil conditions, and predict weather patterns, significantly improving yields. These technological advancements are crucial for enhancing food security and supporting sustainable farming practices. Read more here

2. AI in Creative and Artistic Spaces

  • AI Artists Face Copyright Challenges: An AI artist won a major competition recently, but controversy followed as many traditional artists accused him of stealing their work. The artist used AI to generate his submission, raising fresh concerns about copyright in the AI-driven art world. While copyright laws for AI-generated works remain murky, this incident highlights the growing tension between human creativity and machine learning. Read more here
  • Hidden Traces of Humanity: AI and Image Creation
    AI-generated images aren’t just stunning — they also reveal hidden aspects of our world. From urbanization patterns to environmental changes, AI-created images can expose the subtle impacts humans have on the planet. By combining creativity and data analysis, AI images provide a unique lens to observe and interpret our surroundings. Read more here
  • Can AI Spot Faces in Inanimate Objects: Pareidolia, the tendency to see faces in objects like clouds or rock formations, is something humans do naturally. Now, AI is learning to do the same. This phenomenon shows how machines can mimic human perception, potentially improving AI’s ability to interpret complex visual information for applications in fields like security, photography, and even psychology. Read more here

3. AI in Technology and Tools

  • Raspberry Pi and Sony Launch AI-Powered Camera: A game-changer for hobbyists and developers alike, Raspberry Pi and Sony have launched a compact AI-powered camera module. This device is set to revolutionize image processing by integrating advanced machine learning capabilities, making it easier for users to automate tasks like object recognition and motion detection. It also comes at an affordable price, making AI more accessible. Read more here
  • OpenAI Launches Whisper V3 Turbo Model for Transcription: OpenAI has taken a significant step forward with its new Whisper V3 Turbo model, offering much faster transcription capabilities. This breakthrough will benefit industries that rely heavily on accurate transcriptions, such as media, education, and legal services. The Whisper model’s ability to handle large volumes of spoken language data quickly makes it a powerful tool for accessibility and content creation. Read more here
  • Microsoft’s Copilot AI Gets a Voice, Vision, and Persona: Microsoft has taken its Copilot AI to the next level, giving it voice and vision capabilities, and even introducing a “Hype Man” persona to boost user engagement. The Hype Man can provide emotional support, making the AI feel more like a companion. This blend of productivity tools with an engaging interface could change how we interact with technology in our daily tasks. Read more here
  • $6.6B Funding for AI Growth: OpenAI secured $6.6B in new funding, raising their valuation to $157B. This will accelerate AI research, expand compute capacity, and support tool development for solving complex problems. With over 250 million weekly ChatGPT users enhancing their work and creativity, OpenAI committed to making advanced intelligence accessible to all. Read more here

4. AI in Culture and Policy

  • Meta Brings Celebrity Voices to AI Chatbots: Meta is making AI chatbots more interactive and relatable by adding the voices of famous personalities like Judi Dench, John Cena, and Keegan-Michael Key. By doing so, Meta hopes to humanize chatbot interactions, making them more enjoyable and engaging for users. This feature is part of a broader trend where AI is being used to make digital experiences more personalized and entertaining. Read more here
  • California Governor Vetoes AI Safety Bill: A controversial AI safety bill, aimed at regulating AI development and protecting public safety, was recently vetoed by California’s governor. Proponents argue that the bill would have helped mitigate AI risks, while critics believe it could stifle innovation. The veto has reignited debates on how best to balance safety with the need for progress in AI technology. Read more here

5. AI in Business and Economics

  • OpenAI Considering Becoming a For-Profit Company: In a significant shift, OpenAI is reportedly considering transitioning into a for-profit company. The decision could open new revenue streams but may also spark concerns about the future direction of AI research, particularly its accessibility and openness. This move highlights the ongoing debate over whether AI research should prioritize profit or remain a public good. Read more here
  • ChatGPT Can Help You Save Money: OpenAI’s ChatGPT isn’t just a chatbot — it’s now capable of helping users save money by analyzing bills and suggesting cost-cutting measures. Whether it’s finding better deals on services or flagging unnecessary expenses, ChatGPT is poised to become an essential personal finance assistant for millions of users. Read more here
  • AI Hype Could Lead to Economic Crash: MIT’s Daron Acemoglu, a renowned economist, cautions that AI’s impact on jobs is overhyped, estimating only 5% of jobs could be automated by AI over the next decade. While AI holds potential, Acemoglu warns that the investment frenzy could result in wasted billions and a possible tech stock crash if expectations remain unchecked. Read more here

6. AI and Archaeology

  • AI Unlocks the Secrets of the Nazca Lines: AI has helped archaeologists make a monumental discovery in Peru — 303 new geoglyphs at the ancient Nazca Lines site. This breakthrough could offer new insights into the culture and practices of ancient civilizations, showcasing how AI is revolutionizing archaeological research by analyzing satellite images and identifying patterns that were previously undetectable. Read more here

As AI continues to evolve, its impact is felt across all corners of society. From improving healthcare to revolutionizing how we grow food, AI’s potential seems limitless. Yet, as we celebrate its advancements, we must also be mindful of the challenges it brings, such as ethical concerns and the balance between regulation and innovation. As we navigate this new frontier, one thing is clear: AI is here to stay, and it will continue to shape the future in ways we are only beginning to understand.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates in next week’s digest!

